You can use the gadget in your web site pages that allows you to load the METAR / TAF with the weather for the preferred ICAO station and to show its whole translation.

In the settings you can select the ICAO code, the update interval of METAR / TAF, the translation / decoding language of the METAR / TAF and the gadget height. If the height you set is too small to contain the translation, the scroll bar appears.
The display can be complete, with the METAR / TAF and the icons or only with the METAR / TAF, if the display is not complete the METAR / TAF has a link to invoke a pop-up with the decoding. You can also view the METAR / TAF in Google Maps. You will see the airport with the current weather condition icon, clicking on it opens a pop-up with the complete decoding.
The gadget decoding in English, German, Italian and Portuguese.
If you want to give your contribution by translating the gadget in your language, please contact us.
You can load multiple gadgets to track multiple ICAO METAR / TAF stations.

You can consult the ICAO codes list for all the cities in the world at

Gadget snapshot

You can follow the weather for the selected ICAO even on your mobile phone via QR Code showed.

Information for Web Masters

You can configure the gadget by going to the Web Masters page. Once you configure the look of the gadget, copy and paste the resulting code that you will find at the bottom of the configuration page, in your pages.
Do you want to add to the gadget the feature to select the Metar/Taf you want display? Here you can view some sample pages. Sample 1, Sample 2.
For any problems, please contact us.
Good work!

The data is provided by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).