Get quick on-the-go access to your flight plan Metars on your mobile phone.
Simply scan your On-Demand flight plan Metars QR Code to receive your flight plan Metars in seconds.
The Quick Response code, known as QR Code, is a 2d standard barcode with a user base of 150+ million mobile phones.
To install a QR Code reader on your phone go to:
Operating System |
QR Code Readers |
iPhone |
iPhone |
Android |
ZXing – Android Market search for "Barcode Scanner" in the Applications/Shopping category
Windows Mobile / Symbian (Nokia) / BlackBerry
Windows Mobile / Symbian (Nokia)
J2ME |
BlackBerry |
BlackBerry / Symbian (Nokia) / J2ME |
Web OS |
Several |
Several |
Several |
You can view more information at