3.7 Upgrading of the .fpl format file for online flight planner compatibility.
3.6 With the selection added in the settings form, the speed can be considered Ground Speed (GS) or Indicated Air Speed (IAS). The source for the terrain altitude service has changed. USGS no longer supports this service. Now the service used is published by Geonames.
3.5 Magnetic deviation input and print with true heading, magnetic heading or compass heading.
3.4 Default fluel consumption and speed setting. Reading of flight plans in GPX format. Import GPX format files in the fixes database.
3.3 In the property form were included fields for the automatic flight plan publishing on the Flight Utilities site. Automatic publishing of the flight plan on the Flight Utilities site.
3.2 The program links MetarReader 3.0 version or above. Added the updating step on the get terrain altitude form. Updated the PCX5 import engine for Fix archive.
3.1 64 bit system compatibility.
3.0 Added the waypoint terrain altitude information. You can retrieve the terrain altitude from the internet. Added altitude graphics with flight altitude editing. Loading file in .rte format (OziExplorer). Saving on .rte format (OziExplorer).
2.9 Flight Log with measurement units per km/h or Knots and Km or Miles. Fixed the coordinates display in the Fix DB; S or W were displayed with the minus sign. Added the Encoding for files mps. In case of special characters ("ö") in description the file was not read in MapSource and even FlightPlan. Added the cardinal reference on latitude and longitude input. There was a problem for the values that were stored as the value of degrees "-0".
2.8 The program can show and print the ETE in hh:mm format. You can clear the whole Fix archive. New PCX5 import engine for Fix archive.
2.7 The program links MetarReader 2.7 version or above. Use the advanced external call of MetarReader 2.7 version to check the weather for more waipoints.
2.6 Add sunrise and sunset on the magnetic declination dialog box. Add the button to show the magnetig declination dialog box for a waipoint. Add the flight plan date on the property flight plan dialog box or the choice to calculate magnetic declination, sunrise, sunset with today's date. The MPS format has been corrected, it stores the altitude in meters, previously the program used feet.
2.5 Show the file name on use. Quick change for the waipoint ID on all selected waypoints. Magnetic declination input and print with magnetic heading or true heading. Automatic calculation for magnetic declination for the whole world.
2.4 Some Portuguese discriptions have been corrected. The forms to convert altitude and speed do not work due a loss of language strings. The dialog box "Save" without a file name previously stored does not recall the "Save As" dialog box.
2.3 The save file name management has been corrected. It is now possible to insert a file name (.fpl) on the command line. With this change it is possible to link the .fpl file type with the FlightPlan program using the Windows / folder options / file type dialog box. The calculation for negative latitude and longitude has been correted. The GPS Track Maker file loading with accent characters has been corrected. Add multilingual support and the following languages: English, Italian and Portuguese. Add About Box.
2.2 Loading file in .mps format. Loading in .gtm format. Saving on .gpx format. Saving on .kml format. Saving on .gtm format. Check if need to save the flight plan after editing it. Add "Save" and reorder "Save As". Add the button to execute Map Source and show the flight plan on it. Add the button to execute Google Earth and show the flight plan on it. Add the button to execute GPS Track Maker and show the flight plan on it.
2.1 The program has been converted to work with .NET framework 2.0.