New service "Flight Plan"
Sun, 16 May 2010 00:00:00 GMT
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The new service for flight planning has been developed. You can draw the flight plan directly into Google Maps too. The new service is linked to the "Metar / Taf reader and decoder" service.
The new service for planning the flight is now online. In this first version, all features that allow you to make / design a flight plan from "A" to "Z" ready to be inserted into your GPS, are present.
The service allows you to enter a flight plan, to upload an existing plan, print it, download it in several formats: proprietary text, "Map Source" for Garmin GPS, "Flight Simulator", "GPX", "Google Earth", "GPS Track Maker", and "OziExplorer".
You can automatically calculate the heading, the distance, the estimated time and the fuel consumption for each leg of your flight plan. You can print the Flight Log for your kneeboard.
The flight plan can be drawn directly on Google Maps, even at this stage you have a complete flight plan editing. You can load your favorite aeronautical charts in Google Maps and draw directly on them.
The service can automatically retrieve the "Metar / Taf reader and decoder", search in the Internet for weather forecasts relating to the whole flight plan. The service is fully compatible with the standalone Flight Plan version.
For information about using the service, please consult the standalone version manual.