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Metar / Taf
The service allows you to retrieve one or more METARs / TAFs and show their translations in a easily comprehensible language.
There is a database containing all the airports that allows you to easily find the ICAO airports code.
It is also possible to show the weather condition and the METARs / TAFs in Google Earth.
The service is related to Flight Plan service for a survey of weather conditions on the route.
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Flight Planner
The service allows you to enter a flight plan, export and import it in several formats.
You can automatically calculate the heading, the distance, the estimated time and the fuel consumption for each leg of your flight plan.
You can print the Flight Log for your kneeboard.
The flight plan can be drawn directly on Google Maps.
You can load your aeronautical charts, waypoints, file Kml in Google Maps and draw directly on them.
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The service can be used by registered users and connected directly
to the planning service.
Prepare yours
planning and with the "Search NOTAM" button will come
calculate the areas of interest, retrieve the NOTAMs filtering them according to the flight rules,
proximity, date, etc. to bring to attention only those of interest to planning.
A vocabulary has been created
containing the contractions, approved by ICAO, FAA and others, combined with an engine capable of
identify them in the NOTAM.
With the NOTAMs of our interest selected, with the "Map
Selected NOTAMs", we will have a global view of the various NOTAMs to come
georeferenced on the map together with the planning. Another processing engine locates the coordinates for
draw the details in a more punctual way.
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The pilot may decide to keep the track private, share it with friends or show it to everybody.
The track can be viewed on Google Maps or Google Earth in three dimensions.
If the track that we are seeing is ongoing, the page updates itself by showing the live track.
You can record a track using a device with built-in GPS and browser as an iPhone or Android Smartphone directly from the track recorder page.
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More Services
In support of these services you have the Holding Pattern Computer to calculate and show the correct holding entry, the Converter to convert different measure units chosen among a large number of categories.
You can consult the public flight plans directory and share your flight plans and experience with other pilots.
The Web Masters can add and configure our Metar / Taf service on their sites pages using our gadget.
Never substitute Flight Utilities for an official flight briefing. Filing a flight plan with your local Flight Service Station.