The service calculates the sunrise and sunset for the selected point and date.
Select the location on Google Maps and the date on calendar. The system will automatically calculate the data.
Google Maps will propose to registered users, the coordinate set in "Set center for new flight plan" field in the "Anagraphic Data / Preferences" page.
The calendar will initially propose today.
The "Time Zone Offset" is that of your computer, such as the local time is your time zone.
The service allows you to calculate and show the correct holding entry,
by entering the holding inbound course, the aircraft heading and the
holding type.
The service allows you to convert different measure units, chosen among several categories.
Insert the value to be converted, select the category and the measure unit. The grid will show the conversions for the whole category’s units.
The program allows you to calculate and show the correct holding entry,
introducing the holding inbound course, the aircraft heading and the
holding type.
The program allows you to convert different measure units, choose between several categories.
Insert the value to be converted, select the category and the measure unit. The grid will show the conversions for the whole category’s units.