LHBP 201300Z 10003KT 060V160 7000 3000SE -SG OVC005 M02/M03 Q1028 TEMPO 4000 SG
Location: LHBP
Latitude: 47°26'22"N - Longitude: 019°15'43"E.
Magnetic declination: 5.66°E
Sunrise: 06:22 UTC
Sunset: 15:27 UTC
Report emitted the day: 20, time 13:00 UTC
Monday 20 January 2025 13:00 Greenwich time.
Wind: True direction = 100 degrees, speed: 3 knots (6 km/h) (2 m/s).
Runway 13L, length 12162 feet, altitude 495 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Left - Centerline Wind 2 KT front.
Runway 13R, length 9875 feet, altitude 450 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Left - Centerline Wind 2 KT front.
Runway 31L, length 9875 feet, altitude 450 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Right - Centerline Wind 2 KT rear.
Runway 31R, length 12162 feet, altitude 417 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Right - Centerline Wind 2 KT rear.
Wind direction is variable between 060 and 160 degrees.
Minimum horizontal visibility: 7000 m.
Maximum horizontal visibility: 3000 m direction South East.
Weather: Light Snow grains .
Clouds: Overcast sky (8 oktas), at 500 feet above aerodrome level (152 meters).
Temperature: -2 degrees Celsius (28 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: -3 degrees Celsius (27 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 92.85 %.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1028 hPa (30.36 inches).
The following weather phenomena are expected to arise temporarily:
Minimum horizontal visibility: 4000 m.
Weather: Snow grains .
0:06 | |
3 KT | |
-2/-3 | |
7000 | |
500 | |
1028 | |
5.66°E | |
06:22 Z | |
15:27 Z | |
Location: LHBP
Latitude: 47°26'22"N - Longitude: 019°15'43"E.
Magnetic declination: 5.66°E
Sunrise: 06:22 UTC
Sunset: 15:27 UTC
Report emitted the day: 20, time 13:00 UTC
Monday 20 January 2025 13:00 Greenwich time.
Wind: True direction = 100 degrees, speed: 3 knots (6 km/h) (2 m/s).
Runway 13L, length 12162 feet, altitude 495 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Left - Centerline Wind 2 KT front.
Runway 13R, length 9875 feet, altitude 450 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Left - Centerline Wind 2 KT front.
Runway 31L, length 9875 feet, altitude 450 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Right - Centerline Wind 2 KT rear.
Runway 31R, length 12162 feet, altitude 417 feet: Cross Wind 2 KT Right - Centerline Wind 2 KT rear.
Wind direction is variable between 060 and 160 degrees.
Minimum horizontal visibility: 7000 m.
Maximum horizontal visibility: 3000 m direction South East.
Weather: Light Snow grains .
Clouds: Overcast sky (8 oktas), at 500 feet above aerodrome level (152 meters).
Temperature: -2 degrees Celsius (28 Fahrenheit). Dewpoint: -3 degrees Celsius (27 Fahrenheit). Relative humidity 92.85 %.
QNH (Sea-level pressure): 1028 hPa (30.36 inches).
The following weather phenomena are expected to arise temporarily:
Minimum horizontal visibility: 4000 m.
Weather: Snow grains .