You can use the gadget in iGoogle that allows you to view the public tracks recorded in the service.

You can insert a track from the Tracks page at the Hangar menu. The tracks are displayed on Google Maps / Earth.

If a track is underway, the gadget will update itself by showing real-time tracking. The route animation is available at various speeds.

You can record a track using a device with built-in GPS and browser as an iPhone or Android Smartphone directly from the track recorder page. The Tracks can be also imported into the service from a GPX file or directly from a GPS Garmin.

In the settings you can select to show all public tracks or to show the tracks for a specific user or a track identifiers list, the language and the gadget height.

You can load multiple gadgets to show the tracks for multiple Users.

Immagine gadget
Aggiungi a Google

If you want insert the gadget in your website you can download a simple script from the Google by clicking on the link "Embed this gadget".

Information for Web Masters

Google provides the infrastructure to put the gadgets in your pages. Google updates its APIs infrastructure from the Legacy APIs to the gadgets.* APIs, but not all the infrastructure has been updated.
For example, the preview available to the Web Masters to embed and configure the gadget, supports Legacy APIs only.
Among the various issues, we received reports that the default settings are taken, despite the gadget "Tracks viewer" is correctly configured.
We noticed that in cases were reported, more often we were in the presence of more gadgets "Tracks viewer" on the same page.
If you want to use the gadget in your pages, we have made available a second choice, just simple the previous one and we have recommended.
You can configure the gadget by going to the Web Masters page. Once you configure the look of the gadget, copy and paste the resulting code that you will find at the bottom of the configuration page, in your pages.
For any problems, please contact us.
Good work!